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Sermo Latinus Lectio prima |
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Audire |
Russice |
Amīcus certus in rē incertā cernitur1) |
A friend in need is a friend indeed |
1. -- Salūtō tē Quīnte! 2. -- Salvē et tu Secunde! 3. -- Quid facis? 4. -- Labōrō, magistrātus meus bēlua ferrea est! 5. -- Difficilem labōrem habēs? 6. -- Habeō. 7. -- Nōlī dolēre! Recordā, labor improbus omnia vincit.2) 8. -- Sciō. Quid vīs? 9. -- Mihī est ōtium, volō tēcum cervēsiam bibere. 10. -- Sed mihī est negōtium, heu, labōrāre dēbeō. 11. Sī adjuvāre mē in labōre nōn vīs, crās tē conveniam... 12. -- Nōlō tē āvocāre, labōrā. 13. -- Prōditor es! Valē! 14. -- Fortūna tēcum sit! |
1. -- Greetings to you Quintus! 2. -- And to you Secundus! 3. -- What are you doing? 4. -- I'm working, my supervisor is simply a heartless beast! 5. -- Hard work? 6. -- Yes. 7. -- Don't get upset. You know, hard work overcomes everything! 8. -- Yes, I know. What do you want? 9. -- I have a leisure. Let's go drink beer. 10. -- But I am busy, sorry, I have to work. 11. Unless you want to help me, I'll see you tomorrow. 12. -- Don't want to distract you, keep working. 13. -- Traitor! Bye! 14. -- Good luck! |
Prōverbia |
Proverbs |
P1. Nihil tam mūnītum
quod nōn expugnārī pecūniā possit. (Cicero) P2. Nīl sine magnō labōre vīta dedit mortālibus. (Horātius) P3. Omnes hōrae vulnerant, ultima necat. P4. Sciō mē nihil scīre. (Sōcratēs) P5. Vincere scīs, Hannibal, victōriā ūti nescīs. (Līvius) P6. Adde parvum parvō magnus acervus erit. (Ovidius) P7. Beātī Hispānī, quibus vīvere bibere est. P8. Nōn fuī, fuī, nōn sum, nōn cūrō. |
P1. Nothing
is so fortified that it can't be conquered with money. (Cicero) P2. Life gave mortals nothing without hard labor. (Horace) P3. All hours wound, the last hour kills. P4. I know that I know nothing. (Socrates) P5. You know how to win victory, Hannibal, you do not how to use it3). (Livy) P6. Add little to little and there will be a big pile. (Ovid) P7. Lucky the Spaniards, for whom living is drinking4). P8. I was not, I was, I am not, I don't care5). |
Jocus |
Anecdote |
J1. Uxor: Cūr vēnistī domum quārtā vigiliā? J2. Vir: Aliquō īre possum quārtā vigiliā? |
J1. Wife:
Why you came home at 5 a.m.!? J2. Husband: Where would I go at 5 a.m? |