Compose tips

  • Web page addresses and e-mail addresses turn into links automatically.
  • Allowed HTML tags: <a> <em> <strong> <cite> <code> <ul> <ol> <li> <dl> <dt> <dd>

    This site allows HTML content. While learning all of HTML may feel intimidating, learning how to use a very small number of the most basic HTML "tags" is very easy. This table provides examples for each tag that is enabled on this site.

    For more information see W3C's HTML Specifications or use your favorite search engine to find other sites that explain HTML.

    Tag DescriptionYou TypeYou Get
    Anchors are used to make links to other pages.<a href="">Lingua Latina Aeterna</a>Lingua Latina Aeterna
    Coded text used to show programming source code<code>Coded</code>Coded
    Unordered list - use the <li> to begin each list item<ul> <li>First item</li> <li>Second item</li> </ul>
    • First item
    • Second item
    Ordered list - use the <li> to begin each list item<ol> <li>First item</li> <li>Second item</li> </ol>
    1. First item
    2. Second item
    Definition lists are similar to other HTML lists. <dl> begins the definition list, <dt> begins the definition term and <dd> begins the definition description.<dl> <dt>First term</dt> <dd>First definition</dd> <dt>Second term</dt> <dd>Second definition</dd> </dl>
    First term
    First definition
    Second term
    Second definition

    Most unusual characters can be directly entered without any problems.

    If you do encounter problems, try using HTML character entities. A common example looks like &amp; for an ampersand & character. For a full list of entities see HTML's entities page. Some of the available characters include:

    Character DescriptionYou TypeYou Get
    Greater than&gt;>
    Less than&lt;<
    Quotation mark&quot;"
  • Lines and paragraphs are automatically recognized. The <br /> line break, <p> paragraph and </p> close paragraph tags are inserted automatically. If paragraphs are not recognized simply add a couple blank lines.
  • Paging Help

    Break long pages into smaller ones by means of a page break tag (e.g. <!--pagebreak-->):

    First page here.
    Second page here.
    More pages here.

    Automatic page breaking based on character or word count is also supported.

  • SWF Tools Filter

    The basic syntax for embedding a flash file (.swf), flash movie (.flv) or audio file (.mp3) is:

    [swf file="filename.swf"]

    If you would like to override SWF Tools and flash player default settings, you can specify additional parameters. For example:

    [swf file="song.mp3" flashvars="backcolor=#AABBCC&&forecolor=#11AA11"]

    If you would like to output a list of files then the format is:

    [swf files="image1.jpg&&image2.jpg&&..."]
    SWF Tools Filter will accept following:
    • params : You can specify values for parameters to be passed to Flash to control the appearance of the output. Typical values are bgcolor and wmode. Example: params="wmode=true&&bgcolor="#00FF00" Alternatively you can supply each parameter individually without using params. Example wmode="true" bgcolor="#00FF00"
    • flashvars : You can specify values for output as flashvars, which become available to the Flash movie that is playing. This is often done to control a media player. Refer to the documentation of the flash player you are using to know what flashvar options are available. Example: flashvars="autostart=true&&volume=80"
    • methods : Optional information about how to display the file. The most common usage is to specify a particular media player and thus override the default specified on the settings page. Example: methods="player=onepixelout_mp3"

    WARNING: with params, flashvars and othervars, pass multiple values separated by &&.

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