Learn Latin - Lesson 6
In order to study and remember the different conjugations of the Praesens Activum well, it is important to take a close look at the differences among the five conjugations.
Traditionally considered to be a sub-type of the third conjugation, this type is handled separately here as a special (to make it easier for the learner)
The basic vowel in the fifth conjugation is i, the endings are -o, -s, -t, -mus, -tis and -nt (-re for the infinitive). Be careful:
1. In the first person singular, the basic vowel doesn't disappear following the presence of the ending o, which does happen in the first conjugation.
2. In the third person plural, u is added as a binding vowel.
3. In the infinitive, the basic vowell i is always replaced by e in the fifth conjugation.
The example verb is capere (=to catch, to conquer), the stem of that verb is cap.
Verbum capere - verb to catch, to conquer (stem = cap)
capio - I catch
capis - you (s.) catch
capit - he catches
capimus - we catch
capitis - you (pl.) catch
capiunt - they catch
Some other verbs of the fifth conjugation:
facere - facio - to make, to do
Remark: there are two differences between the fourth and the fifth conjugation. One of them was already mentioned: the e in the infinitive. The other one concerns the pronunciation. The basic vowel (or the e in the infinitive in the fifth conjugations) is pronouced long in the fourth and short in the fifth conjugation: audire [i:], audio [i:] <--> capere [first e pronounced as the a in ago], capio [i].