The enormous profusion of literary texts posted on the World Wide Web will no doubt strike future historians as remarkable and important. But this profusion brings with it an urgent need for many specialized on-line bibliographies. The present one is an analytic bibliography of Latin texts written during the Renaissance and later that are freely available to the general public on the Web (texts posted in access-restricted sites, and Web sites offering electronic texts and digitized photographic reproductions for sale are not included).
Russian library of medieval texts in Russian & Latin
litteraturae et artis collectio
The IntraText Digital Library offers scientific expertise, editorial services, training and publishing technology (on-line, on CD-ROM and on XML)
Classics home page and Latin Library
A large list of links to on-line resources of Latin literature.
На сайте представлена учебная литература по латинскому языка, русско-латинские онлайн словари по различным тематикам (медицинские, юридические и др.).